MathType and WirisQuizzes for Canvas LMS

MathType for Canvas WirisQuizzes for Canvas
  • MathType for Canvas Math tools for education and students solutions LMS

    MathType for Canvas

    MathType, the popular equation editor for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, is now seamlessly integrated into Canvas. Handwrite math equations and formulas easily from the Canvas editor toolbar.

    How to install it More information

Wiris’ Integrations for LMS / CMS

Available for all major educational platforms:

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  • WirisQuizzes for canvas create online math exams online learning solutions for LMS

    WirisQuizzes for Canvas

    Create complex STEM questions that break the limitations of the typical multiple choice tests.

    WirisQuizzes for CANVAS will be your perfect tool to improve your students' learning process with real-time feedback.

    Discover WirisQuizzes, now available for teachers in your Canvas campus. Link your Canvas course to WirisQuizzes, due to the assessments using WirisQuizzes are created in a back-end platform and imported into Canvas.

    Create complex STEM questions that break the limitations of the typical multiple choice tests. Break the typical limitations of STEM questions on multiple choice tests.

    Learn more about WirisQuizzes, which is now available for your teachers in your Canvas campus!

    How to install it Request Demo

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