MathType Equation Editor for Google Workspace

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  • MathType for Google

    Create math questions in Google Docs and Google Slides with MathType and share them on Google Classroom.

    With MathType, teachers can easily include math equations in their assignments or individual questions. This means you can create more engaging and detailed math content directly in Google Docs or Slides for your students. Plus, if they are working on touchable devices, they can answer questions by hand, and MathType will convert them into mathematical notation with its handwriting recognition feature.

    MathType also includes ChemType, a personalized toolbar designed for creating inorganic chemistry formulas.

Subscription model. Pricing

Individual License


$ 63.95

per user / year
20% Discount for academics

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For Educational Institutions


$ 1.09

per student / year
Minimum purchase required

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Community subscription for institutions includes use on all computers and devices. Choose among a subscription for all our word processors applications or the extensions that integrate MathType in LMS platforms such as Canvas, Moodle and Schoology, or both! Academic and volume discounts available.

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